
Frequently Asked Question

At Truck Repair Service we want to make servicing as simple, and hassle free as possible. Below are some frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t listed below, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service team on +1-725-251-7368.

If your fleet is larger than 10 trucks, we can customise a solution to fit your needs. Give us a call on +1-725-251-7368 so we can make a plan that’s right for you.

No, only Las Vegas, Mountain Pass, Mesquite, Amargosa Valley, Golden Valley, Hiko, Searchlight, and Baker

Getting you safely back on the road is our top priority.
When you get stuck, we’ll give you an estimated arrival time, so you know when help will come. Factors like location, time of day and traffic conditions all play its part, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated on any changes as best we can.

We’ll tow your truck to the nearest Truck Assist service provider. We take your vehicle to providers we trust, so you know it’s in the right hands.
Not just any mechanic can qualify – our service providers are the best of the best. We’ll have you back on the road in no time.

Our payment method: EFS, comedata check, zelle, cash

If you are considering cancelling your Truck Assist Roadside Entitlement Plan, you must notify us in writing at info@truckrepair24hours.net When cancelling Your Truck Assist Roadside Entitlement Plan under your Agreement there will be no reimbursement of the remaining fees and you will be liable for the annual payment until received in full.

We don’t do things by halves. So, If the accessory has stopped functioning and renders your truck unable to be driven, chances are we’ll send out a service provider or tow the truck to a service provider.

To be honest – we aren’t sure why you’d want to.
truckrepair24hours.net has developed a comprehensive network of providers that will respond 24/7.
There are exceptions to the rule on some cases but for the most part – we’ve got this!

No. Cover can be purchased under a business or personal name.